John Crestani is very good at what he does. That’s how he made it onto the Forbes “30 under 30” list in 2016.
In part he credits his success to having read Tim Ferris’ book “The 4-hour Work Week” and getting fired, for making him the millionaire that he is today.
When I first came across John Crestani, it was before he created the Super Affiliate System. He was just another YouTuber who was good at grabbing attention.
And now he’s packaged what he’s doing for years and created the Super Affiliate System PRO.
The Super Affiliate System promises an iron-clad money-back guarantee if you don’t make your first online sale in 30 days. He’s put together an impressively, high-value 6-week training program.
But is he for real?
Who is John Crestani?
Even while in college and way before he wound up being “a caged employee”; John Crestani always knew he was an entrepreneur.
In part, he credits his success to having read Tim Ferris’ book “The 4-hour Work Week” and getting fired, for making him the millionaire that he is today.
What is the Super Affiliate System?
The Super Affiliate System is more than 50 hours of training in affiliate marketing, through a series of videos and webinars, plus homework and quizzes. According to Crestani, even if you’re starting from not knowing what affiliate marketing is, by the time you complete this training you’ll be a business owner earning commission checks.
What’s included?

Here’s what I like best about what’s included:
- Done-For-You – “Profit Page Builder with Pre-Configured Profit Pages
- Drag & Drop; Website Editor with domain and hosting included for the first year!
If you’ve ever struggled with trying to come up with either the time, money and skills to put together a make-money-online website….
These two elements alone might make the pricey $997 investment worth it.
Not to mention the also included:
- Live weekly coaching calls
- Mastermind, email coaching
And then there are the bonuses. These are not available for everyone, so pay attention to see if you are eligible to grab these.
Of the bonuses, I can’t decide which I like best!
Pre-paid LLC & Tax Saving Consultation or 2-for-1 Mentorship Access, meaning your spouse, partner, or friend goes the Super Affiliate System with you at no additional cost!
And I do want to say something about the coaching and mastermind resources. But I’ll do that in the next section below because the value of these items really speaks to the heart of ….
Who is it for?
Crestani says this program is for almost anyone you can name: your next-door neighbor, entrepreneurs, retirees, single Moms, teenagers, anyone who have a computer and has a deep desire to create passive income for themselves or their family.
But I urge you to ask yourself this…
Are you accepting of the fact that one of the best ways to get to where you want to go in business or in life, is to study, and train with someone who has made it to where you are trying to arrive?
If you are…
Then you might be coachable.
The point of working with a coach is to reach your goals faster.
The Super Affiliate System is not a magic bullet
You could have all the resources and training in the world, but if you’re not putting in the work to apply the training…
It doesn’t work.
Working with a coach and being part of a mastermind can be extremely helpful and the fact that these items are included is why I say this is a high-value program.
So is it any good?
Let’s look at what I think is good about John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System – and also what’s bad.
The Good Points
It’s a system. You are following a guided program. You’re building skills and becoming more knowledgeable on something for some of you is completely new.
SAS offers maybe one the best and some of the most thorough and detailed training on the science of running ads (FaceBook, Google and YouTube ads).
Even seasoned entrepreneurs will learn something.
And I like that there’s a payment plan.
And Now The Bad Points
There is no free trial. And the good points and the bad points might not be so cut and dried.
In the free workshop there’s a big emphasis on starting with using free ad credits, but also pointing out you can make twice as much if you do also use some of your own money.
But let me remind you, John Crestani is very good at what he does and he’s been doing it for a long time.
If you’ve never run ads before, you might find this to be a very steep learning curve, this could be overwhelming.
But let’s also not forget that an entrepreneur is a person who organizes or operates a business, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so.
So Should You Get It?
I look at it this way. If you like what’s being offered and can go into it with your eyes wide open. I say do it.
Also I say do it, get it, if you are of the mindset that you won’t even consider asking for your money back in 30 days. GO ALL IN!
Otherwise you might find that you’re not ready for this level of commitment to see this through to profit mode.
Once you’ve reviewed as many programs and online training systems as I have then you know John’s results and the results offered in testimonials are not typical.
The biggest wildcard factor in all of this is you and your efforts.
I hope this is helpful in deciding if you should try the Super Affiliate System or not.